Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Knowing the path... and walking the path

In the Matrix Trilogy, two of the main characters, one named Morpheus, the other, Neo, were speaking to each other about the quest they were on.
Morpheus states that, "there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
I believe that living into the path is crucial to life.
Without walking the path we sit idol.
Our apathy convinces us that we are waiting for things to happen... like the child who doesn't want to take a nap... we don't want to miss out on anything...

We are missing out while we wait...

I know the path, it's time to walk it...

Ephesians 5: 14

1 comment:

Jenny said...

When I first read this, I sadly thought to myself..."I think I have forgotten how to walk the path." I have always walked the path within community, mainly in the Young Life community. Walking with people who were doing their best to walk. Showing young people the path. I did not always walk, sometimes I limped along, sometimes I tripped and fell and skinned my knee and sometimes I tried to carry all my burdens instead of letting Jesus do his job. But atleast I was walking. Now, I guess, I need to learn to walk again. I know I am being beckoned forward, even if it is a crawl...