Wednesday, November 26, 2008


The leadership team for our church had planning 'get away' this past weekend.

During our time together I became increasingly aware of our journey of being church: past, present, and future...

We discussed the main areas of focus for our congregation and reflected on our journey. As a leadership team we must reflect on what has been in order to know what could be.

Our time was focused on what is now... being present in the 'now' is very difficult.

Most of the time I like to be somewhere (usually anywhere) else than where I'm at. I have a perpetual life set on a grass is greener perspective. Yet, I'm finding that being present is far more engaging that longing (urning) for something else.

I was most reminded about Jesus' words about the 'kingdom.' Jesus kept/keeps inviting followers into a kingdom that is here and elsewhere at the same time.

There seems to be a now and a not yet aspect to faith... I'm often reminded about what I know about myself others and the world, but more often I'm reminded about what I don't know about those same things.

Our congregation is full of now and not yet. We get to figure out how we live in a new kingdom that is not of this world.

All the while we get to be reminded that God is in control and that we get to participate in God's interests.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Busy Weekend Ahead... wait... I'm not a super hero?

Some have said that planning isn't a strong suit of mine... I think 'the some' is right. My schedule in brief:
3:30 p.m. Take L'Aubergale on a long walk
4:00 p.m. Leave for Salem: wedding rehearsal
6:00 p.m. Leave Salem
7:00 p.m. Arrive for our Leadership Retreat
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Retreat

7:00 p.m. Dinner with Friends

Sunday Morning is open: Yay!

Wedding in Salem @ 6:30 p.m.

So what was I thinking when I scheduled all this together... I mean, sure it can be done, but I'm no super hero... wait... I'm not a super hero?

I read comic books and watch movies about people doing extraordinary things... I think sometimes I believe that I'm supposed to do it all...

Well, the boots, cape and tights don't fit like they used to and I don't think I was ever meant to wear them...

If I'm not supposed to wear the tights boots and cape, who is? Is Jesus supposed to wear the outfit? In fact, maybe my hero epics get in the way of a messiah that doesn't wear the garb of a super hero.

Maybe, that's what was wrong with people who approached Jesus looking for a show? Maybe they wanted a super hero and not a Messiah?


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

L'Aubergale the Wolfhound

Stacy and I adopted an Irish Wolfhound on Friday from the Oregon Humane Society.

We had gone to see him on Thursday night to 'try him out' at the kennel... We liked him, a lot... he was sweet, and gentle for a huge (91Lbs) dog.

I'm sure the meeting for L'Aubergale was similar to the other human's he came into contact with... he had the 'just get me out of here' anxiety.

For us, we were timid about hoping (see the unTruman show)... we were the 3rd hold (of 8) and our time wasn't going to happen until 6:30 p.m. friday night...

Friday was great, I went to the coast with a new friend, Gabe to go surfing... I forgot my wetsuit so I was stuck in the hammock (rough huh?) with my Iphone stuck on L'Aubergale's humane society page. The I phone has this great feature for those of us with OCD called the reload button... which I couldn't help but push every 15 min or so...

I used all my 'jedi' powers of Friday, attempting to 'will' this dog to be ours. Jedi powers or not I was hoping... even when I knew it was possible for more disappointment... I couldn't help it.

After I surfed for an hour, I knew that we could make it home before 5... so we loaded everything up and headed back to Portland.

As soon as I could I reloaded the page with what I hoped to be our dog... he was still there... none of those people who put holds on him adopted him...

At 6:15 p.m. on friday I picked Stacy up from work and we headed to the humane society... by 6:29 we were at the front desk beginning the process of adoption... we were so excited to get him!

Hope works, even when we can't help it...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tired + Sad = Grumpy (and thoughts on Chuck Close)

Yesterday was tough (read The Un Truman post)... I have found that when I am tired I am grumpy... mix a little sad in, and you have a very sad, tired, and grumpy cv...

So, I've been thinking about what a collaborative congregation looks like...

Last Christmas we took my parents, Vernon and Lynne, to see a Chuck Close exhibit at the portland art museum... The exhibit was a fantastic representation of how an artist (Mr. Close) would invite other artists (collaborators) to make huge prints together...

Chuck close is a paraplegic and an artist... his work is amazing... his limitations are actually what makes his work unique... his collaboration art invites others to participate in the process...

I'm certain that we can learn what being a collaborative congregation could be by experiencing art in similar ways...

Could it be that our congregation is art?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Collaborative Vision Test

Last week I went to  Chicago to condense a prayer retreat I helped write into a manageable form.  The process was much like a vision test, you know, the kind where you sit in a chair... with the big goggle thing over your eyes... and the Dr. says... tell me which one is clearer?... one, or two... three, or four?... Now imagine that being done where six people are looking at every option... 

Person one... sits in the chair... decides 1 and 3 are the best... the next person sits down and likes 2 and 4... the third person (me) asks why we are doing this... well you get the idea...

We had so many options to go through by the time we finished I was exhausted... 

I believe that sometimes our faith is like looking at a map with a group of people... sometimes we look for the most efficient way of getting from point a to b... other times we are compelled to go a more scenic route (usually when we feel like we have the time, like when we are on vacation)... 

I found my impatience in Chicago... by the time I got to the airport I had had it... I wanted to fly home on a direct flight... I was even on the standby list... the counter attendant told me that because I had gotten a cheap fare I was not allowed on the direct flight (with 27 open seats)... so off I ran... to another terminal to catch my flight to Seattle...

I was so upset, I didn't get what I wanted... I had to go the long way, just because someone told me I was a cheap-skate... oh man, that's rich!  

Maybe the lessons I'm to learn are found in the travel, and not the destination...